Bouquets with Chrysanthemums (Mums)
A bouquet of chrysanthemums conveys your pure intentions, whether to a spouse, friend or business associate. Same-day delivery by a local florist.
Chrysanthemums have a long vase-life of more than 10 days
There are single flower stems, standard, and multi-flowered stems and sprays. Flower forms include daisy, spider/fuji, football, cushion, button, pinwheel, quill-tip and more. The Chrysanthemum is daisy-like with a typically yellow center and a decorative pompon. Chrysanthemums have a long vase-life of more than 10 days. Be sure to read our guide the care of fresh cut chrystanthemums.
Symbols of wealth, fidelity and truth, Chrysanthemums also symbolize optimism and joy. They’re the November birth flower, the 13th wedding anniversary flower and the official flower of the city of Chicago. In Japan, there’s even a “Festival of Happiness” to celebrate this flower each year.