Just For You

Online Flower Delivery from Teleflora

Same-Day Flower Delivery by Local Florists

We are proud to offer beautiful flowers that are always 100% arranged and delivered by local florists! We make it easy to order flowers online and get flower delivery right to your loved one’s door. If you need to order flower arrangements last-minute, we have same-day flower delivery.

Ordering Flowers Online for Every Occasion

With Teleflora, you can buy happy birthday flowers, get well bouquets, funeral and sympathy flower arrangements, flowers for Mom, and everyday beautiful florals. With a huge variety of fresh local floral arrangements, we're sure you'll be able to find the right flowers to deliver for just about anyone!

If you don't know what flowers to buy, you can shop flowers by type and choose from roses, carnations, daisies, tulips, lilies, and more. Visit the meaning of flowers glossary so you know exactly what you're saying with your flower delivery.

Shop the Best Online Flowers Deals

If you're looking for the best online flower delivery promo codes and deals, we've got you covered! In addition to Teleflora coupons, we also have Deal of the Day bouquets. You pick a price and a local florist will create a one-of-a-kind flower arrangement with their own signature style using the season’s freshest blooms!

Local Florist Delivered Bouquets Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Sending Flowers Online Cost?

We have fresh flower arrangements and plants for every budget and occasion, so you never have to worry about not being able to find something for your loved ones.

How Will My Flowers Be Delivered?

Teleflora flowers are 100% arranged and delivered by local florists in your area. That means every bouquet will be delivered right to your door with the utmost care. We are also utilizing contactless delivery for your safety and the safety of our local florists.

Do You Have Same-Day Flower Delivery for Last Minute Gifts?

Same-day delivery is available on all our flower arrangements! So, whether you send flowers in advance or need a last-minute gift, we’ve got you covered with the freshest flowers available!

Who Offers the Best Local Flower Delivery Online?

Teleflora works with over 10,000 local florists all around the country to bring you local flower delivery. So, know that every bouquet you order from us supports a small business near you or your loved one. We couldn’t do it without our amazing florists!